/* FirmataMarshaller.cpp Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Hans-Christoph Steiner. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jeff Hoefs. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See file LICENSE.txt for further informations on licensing terms. */ //****************************************************************************** //* Includes //****************************************************************************** #include "FirmataMarshaller.h" #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(ARDUINO) #include #else #include #endif #include "FirmataConstants.h" using namespace firmata; //****************************************************************************** //* Support Functions //****************************************************************************** /** * Request or halt a stream of analog readings from the Firmata host application. The range of pins is * limited to [0..15] when using the REPORT_ANALOG. The maximum result of the REPORT_ANALOG is limited to 14 bits * (16384). To increase the pin range or value, see the documentation for the EXTENDED_ANALOG * message. * @param pin The analog pin for which to request the value (limited to pins 0 - 15). * @param stream_enable A zero value will disable the stream, a non-zero will enable the stream * @note The maximum resulting value is 14-bits (16384). */ void FirmataMarshaller::reportAnalog(uint8_t pin, bool stream_enable) const { if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; } // pin can only be 0-15, so chop higher bits FirmataStream->write(REPORT_ANALOG | (pin & 0xF)); FirmataStream->write(stream_enable); } /** * Request or halt an 8-bit port stream from the Firmata host application (protocol v2 and later). * Send 14-bits in a single digital message (protocol v1). * @param portNumber The port number for which to request the value. Note that this is not the same as a "port" on the * physical microcontroller. Ports are defined in order per every 8 pins in ascending order * of the Arduino digital pin numbering scheme. Port 0 = pins D0 - D7, port 1 = pins D8 - D15, etc. * @param stream_enable A zero value will disable the stream, a non-zero will enable the stream */ void FirmataMarshaller::reportDigitalPort(uint8_t portNumber, bool stream_enable) const { if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; } FirmataStream->write(REPORT_DIGITAL | (portNumber & 0xF)); FirmataStream->write(stream_enable); } /** * An alternative to the normal analog message, this extended version allows addressing beyond * pin 15 and supports sending analog values with any number of bits. * @param pin The analog pin to which the value is sent. * @param bytec The size of the storage for the analog value * @param bytev The pointer to the location of the analog value */ void FirmataMarshaller::sendExtendedAnalog(uint8_t pin, size_t bytec, uint8_t * bytev) const { if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; } FirmataStream->write(START_SYSEX); FirmataStream->write(EXTENDED_ANALOG); FirmataStream->write(pin); encodeByteStream(bytec, bytev, bytec); FirmataStream->write(END_SYSEX); } /** * Transform 8-bit stream into 7-bit message * @param bytec The number of data bytes in the message. * @param bytev A pointer to the array of data bytes to send in the message. * @param max_bytes Force message to be n bytes, regardless of data bits. */ void FirmataMarshaller::encodeByteStream (size_t bytec, uint8_t * bytev, size_t max_bytes) const { static const size_t transmit_bits = 7; static const uint8_t transmit_mask = ((1 << transmit_bits) - 1); size_t bytes_sent = 0; size_t outstanding_bits = 0; uint8_t outstanding_bit_cache = *bytev; if ( !max_bytes ) { max_bytes = static_cast(-1); } for (size_t i = 0 ; (i < bytec) && (bytes_sent < max_bytes) ; ++i) { uint8_t transmit_byte = (outstanding_bit_cache|(bytev[i] << outstanding_bits)); FirmataStream->write(transmit_mask & transmit_byte); ++bytes_sent; outstanding_bit_cache = (bytev[i] >> (transmit_bits - outstanding_bits)); outstanding_bits = (outstanding_bits + (8 - transmit_bits)); for ( ; (outstanding_bits >= transmit_bits) && (bytes_sent < max_bytes) ; ) { transmit_byte = outstanding_bit_cache; FirmataStream->write(transmit_mask & transmit_byte); ++bytes_sent; outstanding_bit_cache >>= transmit_bits; outstanding_bits -= transmit_bits; } } if ( outstanding_bits && (bytes_sent < max_bytes) ) { FirmataStream->write(static_cast((1 << outstanding_bits) - 1) & outstanding_bit_cache); } } //****************************************************************************** //* Constructors //****************************************************************************** /** * The FirmataMarshaller class. */ FirmataMarshaller::FirmataMarshaller() : FirmataStream((Stream *)NULL) { } //****************************************************************************** //* Public Methods //****************************************************************************** /** * Reassign the Firmata stream transport. * @param s A reference to the Stream transport object. This can be any type of * transport that implements the Stream interface. Some examples include Ethernet, WiFi * and other UARTs on the board (Serial1, Serial2, etc). */ void FirmataMarshaller::begin(Stream &s) { FirmataStream = &s; } /** * Closes the FirmataMarshaller stream by setting its stream reference to `(Stream *)NULL` */ void FirmataMarshaller::end(void) { FirmataStream = (Stream *)NULL; } //****************************************************************************** //* Output Stream Handling //****************************************************************************** /** * Query the target's firmware name and version */ void FirmataMarshaller::queryFirmwareVersion(void) const { if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; } FirmataStream->write(START_SYSEX); FirmataStream->write(REPORT_FIRMWARE); FirmataStream->write(END_SYSEX); } /** * Query the target's Firmata protocol version */ void FirmataMarshaller::queryVersion(void) const { if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; } FirmataStream->write(REPORT_VERSION); } /** * Halt the stream of analog readings from the Firmata host application. The range of pins is * limited to [0..15] when using the REPORT_ANALOG. The maximum result of the REPORT_ANALOG is limited to 14 bits * (16384). To increase the pin range or value, see the documentation for the EXTENDED_ANALOG * message. * @param pin The analog pin for which to request the value (limited to pins 0 - 15). */ void FirmataMarshaller::reportAnalogDisable(uint8_t pin) const { reportAnalog(pin, false); } /** * Request a stream of analog readings from the Firmata host application. The range of pins is * limited to [0..15] when using the REPORT_ANALOG. The maximum result of the REPORT_ANALOG is limited to 14 bits * (16384). To increase the pin range or value, see the documentation for the EXTENDED_ANALOG * message. * @param pin The analog pin for which to request the value (limited to pins 0 - 15). */ void FirmataMarshaller::reportAnalogEnable(uint8_t pin) const { reportAnalog(pin, true); } /** * Halt an 8-bit port stream from the Firmata host application (protocol v2 and later). * Send 14-bits in a single digital message (protocol v1). * @param portNumber The port number for which to request the value. Note that this is not the same as a "port" on the * physical microcontroller. Ports are defined in order per every 8 pins in ascending order * of the Arduino digital pin numbering scheme. Port 0 = pins D0 - D7, port 1 = pins D8 - D15, etc. */ void FirmataMarshaller::reportDigitalPortDisable(uint8_t portNumber) const { reportDigitalPort(portNumber, false); } /** * Request an 8-bit port stream from the Firmata host application (protocol v2 and later). * Send 14-bits in a single digital message (protocol v1). * @param portNumber The port number for which to request the value. Note that this is not the same as a "port" on the * physical microcontroller. Ports are defined in order per every 8 pins in ascending order * of the Arduino digital pin numbering scheme. Port 0 = pins D0 - D7, port 1 = pins D8 - D15, etc. */ void FirmataMarshaller::reportDigitalPortEnable(uint8_t portNumber) const { reportDigitalPort(portNumber, true); } /** * Send an analog message to the Firmata host application. The range of pins is limited to [0..15] * when using the ANALOG_MESSAGE. The maximum value of the ANALOG_MESSAGE is limited to 14 bits * (16384). To increase the pin range or value, see the documentation for the EXTENDED_ANALOG * message. * @param pin The analog pin to which the value is sent. * @param value The value of the analog pin (0 - 1024 for 10-bit analog, 0 - 4096 for 12-bit, etc). * @note The maximum value is 14-bits (16384). */ void FirmataMarshaller::sendAnalog(uint8_t pin, uint16_t value) const { if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; } if ( (0xF >= pin) && (0x3FFF >= value) ) { FirmataStream->write(ANALOG_MESSAGE|pin); encodeByteStream(sizeof(value), reinterpret_cast(&value), sizeof(value)); } else { sendExtendedAnalog(pin, sizeof(value), reinterpret_cast(&value)); } } /** * Send an analog mapping query to the Firmata host application. The resulting sysex message will * have an ANALOG_MAPPING_RESPONSE command byte, followed by a list of pins [0-n]; where each * pin will specify its corresponding analog pin number or 0x7F (127) if not applicable. */ void FirmataMarshaller::sendAnalogMappingQuery(void) const { sendSysex(ANALOG_MAPPING_QUERY, 0, NULL); } /** * Send a capability query to the Firmata host application. The resulting sysex message will have * a CAPABILITY_RESPONSE command byte, followed by a list of byte tuples (mode and mode resolution) * for each pin; where each pin list is terminated by 0x7F (127). */ void FirmataMarshaller::sendCapabilityQuery(void) const { sendSysex(CAPABILITY_QUERY, 0, NULL); } /** * Send a single digital pin value to the Firmata host application. * @param pin The digital pin to send the value of. * @param value The value of the pin. */ void FirmataMarshaller::sendDigital(uint8_t pin, uint8_t value) const { if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; } FirmataStream->write(SET_DIGITAL_PIN_VALUE); FirmataStream->write(pin & 0x7F); FirmataStream->write(value != 0); } /** * Send an 8-bit port in a single digital message (protocol v2 and later). * Send 14-bits in a single digital message (protocol v1). * @param portNumber The port number to send. Note that this is not the same as a "port" on the * physical microcontroller. Ports are defined in order per every 8 pins in ascending order * of the Arduino digital pin numbering scheme. Port 0 = pins D0 - D7, port 1 = pins D8 - D15, etc. * @param portData The value of the port. The value of each pin in the port is represented by a bit. */ void FirmataMarshaller::sendDigitalPort(uint8_t portNumber, uint16_t portData) const { if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; } FirmataStream->write(DIGITAL_MESSAGE | (portNumber & 0xF)); // Tx bits 0-6 (protocol v1 and higher) // Tx bits 7-13 (bit 7 only for protocol v2 and higher) encodeByteStream(sizeof(portData), reinterpret_cast(&portData), sizeof(portData)); } /** * Sends the firmware name and version to the Firmata host application. * @param major The major verison number * @param minor The minor version number * @param bytec The length of the firmware name * @param bytev The firmware name array */ void FirmataMarshaller::sendFirmwareVersion(uint8_t major, uint8_t minor, size_t bytec, uint8_t *bytev) const { if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; } size_t i; FirmataStream->write(START_SYSEX); FirmataStream->write(REPORT_FIRMWARE); FirmataStream->write(major); FirmataStream->write(minor); for (i = 0; i < bytec; ++i) { encodeByteStream(sizeof(bytev[i]), reinterpret_cast(&bytev[i])); } FirmataStream->write(END_SYSEX); } /** * Send the Firmata protocol version to the Firmata host application. * @param major The major verison number * @param minor The minor version number */ void FirmataMarshaller::sendVersion(uint8_t major, uint8_t minor) const { if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; } FirmataStream->write(REPORT_VERSION); FirmataStream->write(major); FirmataStream->write(minor); } /** * Send the pin mode/configuration. The pin configuration (or mode) in Firmata represents the * current function of the pin. Examples are digital input or output, analog input, pwm, i2c, * serial (uart), etc. * @param pin The pin to configure. * @param config The configuration value for the specified pin. */ void FirmataMarshaller::sendPinMode(uint8_t pin, uint8_t config) const { if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; } FirmataStream->write(SET_PIN_MODE); FirmataStream->write(pin); FirmataStream->write(config); } /** * Send a pin state query to the Firmata host application. The resulting sysex message will have * a PIN_STATE_RESPONSE command byte, followed by the pin number, the pin mode and a stream of * bits to indicate any *data* written to the pin (pin state). * @param pin The pin to query * @note The pin state is any data written to the pin (i.e. pin state != pin value) */ void FirmataMarshaller::sendPinStateQuery(uint8_t pin) const { if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; } FirmataStream->write(START_SYSEX); FirmataStream->write(PIN_STATE_QUERY); FirmataStream->write(pin); FirmataStream->write(END_SYSEX); } /** * Send a sysex message where all values after the command byte are packet as 2 7-bit bytes * (this is not always the case so this function is not always used to send sysex messages). * @param command The sysex command byte. * @param bytec The number of data bytes in the message (excludes start, command and end bytes). * @param bytev A pointer to the array of data bytes to send in the message. */ void FirmataMarshaller::sendSysex(uint8_t command, size_t bytec, uint8_t *bytev) const { if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; } size_t i; FirmataStream->write(START_SYSEX); FirmataStream->write(command); for (i = 0; i < bytec; ++i) { encodeByteStream(sizeof(bytev[i]), reinterpret_cast(&bytev[i])); } FirmataStream->write(END_SYSEX); } /** * Send a string to the Firmata host application. * @param string A pointer to the char string */ void FirmataMarshaller::sendString(const char *string) const { sendSysex(STRING_DATA, strlen(string), reinterpret_cast(const_cast(string))); } /** * The sampling interval sets how often analog data and i2c data is reported to the client. * @param interval_ms The interval (in milliseconds) at which to sample * @note The default sampling interval is 19ms */ void FirmataMarshaller::setSamplingInterval(uint16_t interval_ms) const { sendSysex(SAMPLING_INTERVAL, sizeof(interval_ms), reinterpret_cast(&interval_ms)); } /** * Perform a software reset on the target. For example, StandardFirmata.ino will initialize * everything to a known state and reset the parsing buffer. */ void FirmataMarshaller::systemReset(void) const { if ( (Stream *)NULL == FirmataStream ) { return; } FirmataStream->write(SYSTEM_RESET); }