/* BLEStream.h Based on BLESerial.cpp by Voita Molda https://github.com/sandeepmistry/arduino-BLEPeripheral/blob/master/examples/serial/BLESerial.h Last updated April 4th, 2016 */ #ifndef _BLE_STREAM_H_ #define _BLE_STREAM_H_ #include #if defined(_VARIANT_ARDUINO_101_X_) #include #define _MAX_ATTR_DATA_LEN_ BLE_MAX_ATTR_DATA_LEN #else #include #define _MAX_ATTR_DATA_LEN_ BLE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH #endif #define BLESTREAM_TXBUFFER_FLUSH_INTERVAL 80 #define BLESTREAM_MIN_FLUSH_INTERVAL 8 // minimum interval for flushing the TX buffer // #define BLE_SERIAL_DEBUG class BLEStream : public BLEPeripheral, public Stream { public: BLEStream(unsigned char req = 0, unsigned char rdy = 0, unsigned char rst = 0); void begin(...); bool poll(); void end(); void setFlushInterval(int); virtual int available(void); virtual int peek(void); virtual int read(void); virtual void flush(void); virtual size_t write(uint8_t byte); using Print::write; virtual operator bool(); private: bool _connected; unsigned long _flushed; int _flushInterval; static BLEStream* _instance; size_t _rxHead; size_t _rxTail; size_t _rxCount() const; unsigned char _rxBuffer[256]; size_t _txCount; unsigned char _txBuffer[_MAX_ATTR_DATA_LEN_]; BLEService _uartService = BLEService("6E400001-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E"); BLEDescriptor _uartNameDescriptor = BLEDescriptor("2901", "UART"); BLECharacteristic _rxCharacteristic = BLECharacteristic("6E400002-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E", BLEWriteWithoutResponse, _MAX_ATTR_DATA_LEN_); BLEDescriptor _rxNameDescriptor = BLEDescriptor("2901", "RX - Receive Data (Write)"); BLECharacteristic _txCharacteristic = BLECharacteristic("6E400003-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E", BLENotify, _MAX_ATTR_DATA_LEN_); BLEDescriptor _txNameDescriptor = BLEDescriptor("2901", "TX - Transfer Data (Notify)"); void _received(const unsigned char* data, size_t size); static void _received(BLECentral& /*central*/, BLECharacteristic& rxCharacteristic); }; /* * BLEStream.cpp * Copied here as a hack to avoid having to install the BLEPeripheral libarary even if it's * not needed. */ BLEStream* BLEStream::_instance = NULL; BLEStream::BLEStream(unsigned char req, unsigned char rdy, unsigned char rst) : #if defined(_VARIANT_ARDUINO_101_X_) BLEPeripheral() #else BLEPeripheral(req, rdy, rst) #endif { this->_txCount = 0; this->_rxHead = this->_rxTail = 0; this->_flushed = 0; this->_flushInterval = BLESTREAM_TXBUFFER_FLUSH_INTERVAL; BLEStream::_instance = this; addAttribute(this->_uartService); addAttribute(this->_uartNameDescriptor); setAdvertisedServiceUuid(this->_uartService.uuid()); addAttribute(this->_rxCharacteristic); addAttribute(this->_rxNameDescriptor); this->_rxCharacteristic.setEventHandler(BLEWritten, BLEStream::_received); addAttribute(this->_txCharacteristic); addAttribute(this->_txNameDescriptor); } void BLEStream::begin(...) { BLEPeripheral::begin(); #ifdef BLE_SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.println(F("BLEStream::begin()")); #endif } bool BLEStream::poll() { // BLEPeripheral::poll is called each time connected() is called this->_connected = BLEPeripheral::connected(); if (millis() > this->_flushed + this->_flushInterval) { flush(); } return this->_connected; } void BLEStream::end() { this->_rxCharacteristic.setEventHandler(BLEWritten, (void(*)(BLECentral&, BLECharacteristic&))NULL); this->_rxHead = this->_rxTail = 0; flush(); BLEPeripheral::disconnect(); } int BLEStream::available(void) { // BLEPeripheral::poll only calls delay(1) in CurieBLE so skipping it here to avoid the delay #ifndef _VARIANT_ARDUINO_101_X_ // TODO Need to do more testing to determine if all of these calls to BLEPeripheral::poll are // actually necessary. Seems to run fine without them, but only minimal testing so far. BLEPeripheral::poll(); #endif int retval = (this->_rxHead - this->_rxTail + sizeof(this->_rxBuffer)) % sizeof(this->_rxBuffer); #ifdef BLE_SERIAL_DEBUG if (retval > 0) { Serial.print(F("BLEStream::available() = ")); Serial.println(retval); } #endif return retval; } int BLEStream::peek(void) { #ifndef _VARIANT_ARDUINO_101_X_ BLEPeripheral::poll(); #endif if (this->_rxTail == this->_rxHead) return -1; uint8_t byte = this->_rxBuffer[this->_rxTail]; #ifdef BLE_SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.print(F("BLEStream::peek() = 0x")); Serial.println(byte, HEX); #endif return byte; } int BLEStream::read(void) { #ifndef _VARIANT_ARDUINO_101_X_ BLEPeripheral::poll(); #endif if (this->_rxTail == this->_rxHead) return -1; this->_rxTail = (this->_rxTail + 1) % sizeof(this->_rxBuffer); uint8_t byte = this->_rxBuffer[this->_rxTail]; #ifdef BLE_SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.print(F("BLEStream::read() = 0x")); Serial.println(byte, HEX); #endif return byte; } void BLEStream::flush(void) { if (this->_txCount == 0) return; #ifndef _VARIANT_ARDUINO_101_X_ // ensure there are available packets before sending while(!this->_txCharacteristic.canNotify()) { BLEPeripheral::poll(); } #endif this->_txCharacteristic.setValue(this->_txBuffer, this->_txCount); this->_flushed = millis(); this->_txCount = 0; #ifdef BLE_SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.println(F("BLEStream::flush()")); #endif } size_t BLEStream::write(uint8_t byte) { #ifndef _VARIANT_ARDUINO_101_X_ BLEPeripheral::poll(); #endif if (this->_txCharacteristic.subscribed() == false) return 0; this->_txBuffer[this->_txCount++] = byte; if (this->_txCount == sizeof(this->_txBuffer)) flush(); #ifdef BLE_SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.print(F("BLEStream::write( 0x")); Serial.print(byte, HEX); Serial.println(F(") = 1")); #endif return 1; } BLEStream::operator bool() { bool retval = this->_connected = BLEPeripheral::connected(); #ifdef BLE_SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.print(F("BLEStream::operator bool() = ")); Serial.println(retval); #endif return retval; } void BLEStream::setFlushInterval(int interval) { if (interval > BLESTREAM_MIN_FLUSH_INTERVAL) { this->_flushInterval = interval; } } void BLEStream::_received(const unsigned char* data, size_t size) { for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { this->_rxHead = (this->_rxHead + 1) % sizeof(this->_rxBuffer); this->_rxBuffer[this->_rxHead] = data[i]; } #ifdef BLE_SERIAL_DEBUG Serial.print(F("BLEStream::received(")); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) Serial.print(data[i], HEX); Serial.println(F(")")); #endif } void BLEStream::_received(BLECentral& /*central*/, BLECharacteristic& rxCharacteristic) { BLEStream::_instance->_received(rxCharacteristic.value(), rxCharacteristic.valueLength()); } #endif // _BLE_STREAM_H_