
700 lines
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2024-08-29 12:07:22 +03:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import threading
import traceback
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Dict, Optional, Union
import hmac
from hashlib import sha256
from urllib.parse import parse_qsl
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
import queue as Queue
import logging
from telebot import types
from telebot.service_utils import is_pil_image, is_dict, is_string, is_bytes, chunks, generate_random_token, pil_image_to_file
import ujson as json
except ImportError:
import json
logger = logging.getLogger('TeleBot')
thread_local = threading.local()
#: Contains all media content types.
content_type_media = [
'text', 'animation', 'audio', 'document', 'photo', 'sticker', 'story', 'video', 'video_note', 'voice', 'contact',
'dice', 'game', 'poll', 'venue', 'location', 'invoice', 'successful_payment', 'connected_website',
'passport_data', 'web_app_data',
#: Contains all service content types such as `User joined the group`.
content_type_service = [
'new_chat_members', 'left_chat_member', 'new_chat_title', 'new_chat_photo', 'delete_chat_photo',
'group_chat_created', 'supergroup_chat_created', 'channel_chat_created', 'message_auto_delete_timer_changed',
'migrate_to_chat_id', 'migrate_from_chat_id', 'pinned_message', 'users_shared', 'chat_shared',
'write_access_allowed', 'proximity_alert_triggered', 'forum_topic_created', 'forum_topic_edited',
'forum_topic_closed', 'forum_topic_reopened', 'general_forum_topic_hidden', 'general_forum_topic_unhidden',
'giveaway_created', 'giveaway', 'giveaway_winners', 'giveaway_completed', 'video_chat_scheduled',
'video_chat_started', 'video_chat_ended', 'video_chat_participants_invited',
#: All update types, should be used for allowed_updates parameter in polling.
update_types = [
"message", "edited_message", "channel_post", "edited_channel_post", "inline_query", "chosen_inline_result",
"callback_query", "shipping_query", "pre_checkout_query", "poll", "poll_answer", "my_chat_member", "chat_member",
"chat_join_request", "message_reaction", "message_reaction_count", "chat_boost", "removed_chat_boost",
class WorkerThread(threading.Thread):
:meta private:
count = 0
def __init__(self, exception_callback=None, queue=None, name=None):
if not name:
name = "WorkerThread{0}".format(self.__class__.count + 1)
self.__class__.count += 1
if not queue:
queue = Queue.Queue()
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=name)
self.queue = queue
self.daemon = True
self.received_task_event = threading.Event()
self.done_event = threading.Event()
self.exception_event = threading.Event()
self.continue_event = threading.Event()
self.exception_callback = exception_callback
self.exception_info = None
self._running = True
def run(self):
while self._running:
task, args, kwargs = self.queue.get(block=True, timeout=.5)
logger.debug("Received task")
task(*args, **kwargs)
logger.debug("Task complete")
except Queue.Empty:
except Exception as e:
logger.debug(type(e).__name__ + " occurred, args=" + str(e.args) + "\n" + traceback.format_exc())
self.exception_info = e
if self.exception_callback:
self.exception_callback(self, self.exception_info)
def put(self, task, *args, **kwargs):
self.queue.put((task, args, kwargs))
def raise_exceptions(self):
if self.exception_event.is_set():
raise self.exception_info
def clear_exceptions(self):
def stop(self):
self._running = False
class ThreadPool:
:meta private:
def __init__(self, telebot, num_threads=2):
self.telebot = telebot
self.tasks = Queue.Queue()
self.workers = [WorkerThread(self.on_exception, self.tasks) for _ in range(num_threads)]
self.num_threads = num_threads
self.exception_event = threading.Event()
self.exception_info = None
def put(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self.tasks.put((func, args, kwargs))
def on_exception(self, worker_thread, exc_info):
if self.telebot.exception_handler is not None:
handled = self.telebot.exception_handler.handle(exc_info)
handled = False
if not handled:
self.exception_info = exc_info
def raise_exceptions(self):
if self.exception_event.is_set():
raise self.exception_info
def clear_exceptions(self):
def close(self):
for worker in self.workers:
for worker in self.workers:
if worker != threading.current_thread():
class AsyncTask:
:meta private:
def __init__(self, target, *args, **kwargs): = target
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.done = False
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run)
def _run(self):
self.result =*self.args, **self.kwargs)
except Exception as e:
self.result = e
self.done = True
def wait(self):
if not self.done:
if isinstance(self.result, BaseException):
raise self.result
return self.result
class CustomRequestResponse:
:meta private:
def __init__(self, json_text, status_code=200, reason=""):
self.status_code = status_code
self.text = json_text
self.reason = reason
def json(self):
return json.loads(self.text)
def async_dec():
:meta private:
def decorator(fn):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return AsyncTask(fn, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator
def is_command(text: str) -> bool:
Checks if `text` is a command. Telegram chat commands start with the '/' character.
:param text: Text to check.
:type text: :obj:`str`
:return: True if `text` is a command, else False.
:rtype: :obj:`bool`
if text is None: return False
return text.startswith('/')
def extract_command(text: str) -> Union[str, None]:
Extracts the command from `text` (minus the '/') if `text` is a command (see is_command).
If `text` is not a command, this function returns None.
.. code-block:: python3
:caption: Examples:
extract_command('/help'): 'help'
extract_command('/help@BotName'): 'help'
extract_command('/search black eyed peas'): 'search'
extract_command('Good day to you'): None
:param text: String to extract the command from
:type text: :obj:`str`
:return: the command if `text` is a command (according to is_command), else None.
:rtype: :obj:`str` or :obj:`None`
if text is None: return None
return text.split()[0].split('@')[0][1:] if is_command(text) else None
def extract_arguments(text: str) -> str or None:
Returns the argument after the command.
.. code-block:: python3
:caption: Examples:
extract_arguments("/get name"): 'name'
extract_arguments("/get"): ''
extract_arguments("/get@botName name"): 'name'
:param text: String to extract the arguments from a command
:type text: :obj:`str`
:return: the arguments if `text` is a command (according to is_command), else None.
:rtype: :obj:`str` or :obj:`None`
regexp = re.compile(r"/\w*(@\w*)*\s*([\s\S]*)", re.IGNORECASE)
result = regexp.match(text)
return if is_command(text) else None
def extract_entity(text: str, e: types.MessageEntity) -> str:
Returns the content of the entity.
:param text: The text of the message the entity belongs to
:type text: :obj:`str`
:param e: The entity to extract
:type e: :obj:`MessageEntity`
:return: The content of the entity
:rtype: :obj:`str`
offset = 0
start = 0
encoded_text = text.encode()
end = len(encoded_text)
i = 0
for byte in encoded_text:
if (byte & 0xc0) != 0x80:
if offset == e.offset:
start = i
elif offset - e.offset == e.length:
end = i
if byte >= 0xf0:
offset += 2
offset += 1
i += 1
return encoded_text[start:end].decode()
def split_string(text: str, chars_per_string: int) -> List[str]:
Splits one string into multiple strings, with a maximum amount of `chars_per_string` characters per string.
This is very useful for splitting one giant message into multiples.
:param text: The text to split
:type text: :obj:`str`
:param chars_per_string: The number of characters per line the text is split into.
:type chars_per_string: :obj:`int`
:return: The splitted text as a list of strings.
:rtype: :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`
return [text[i:i + chars_per_string] for i in range(0, len(text), chars_per_string)]
def smart_split(text: str, chars_per_string: int = MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH) -> List[str]:
Splits one string into multiple strings, with a maximum amount of `chars_per_string` characters per string.
This is very useful for splitting one giant message into multiples.
If `chars_per_string` > 4096: `chars_per_string` = 4096.
Splits by '\n', '. ' or ' ' in exactly this priority.
:param text: The text to split
:type text: :obj:`str`
:param chars_per_string: The number of maximum characters per part the text is split to.
:type chars_per_string: :obj:`int`
:return: The splitted text as a list of strings.
:rtype: :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`
def _text_before_last(substr: str) -> str:
return substr.join(part.split(substr)[:-1]) + substr
if chars_per_string > MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH: chars_per_string = MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH
parts = []
while True:
if len(text) < chars_per_string:
return parts
part = text[:chars_per_string]
if "\n" in part:
part = _text_before_last("\n")
elif ". " in part:
part = _text_before_last(". ")
elif " " in part:
part = _text_before_last(" ")
text = text[len(part):]
def escape(text: str) -> Optional[str]:
Replaces the following chars in `text` ('&' with '&amp;', '<' with '&lt;' and '>' with '&gt;').
:param text: the text to escape
:return: the escaped text
chars = {"&": "&amp;", "<": "&lt;", ">": "&gt;"}
if text is None:
return None
for old, new in chars.items():
text = text.replace(old, new)
return text
def user_link(user: types.User, include_id: bool = False) -> str:
Returns an HTML user link. This is useful for reports.
Attention: Don't forget to set parse_mode to 'HTML'!
.. code-block:: python3
:caption: Example:
bot.send_message(your_user_id, user_link(message.from_user) + ' started the bot!', parse_mode='HTML')
.. note::
You can use formatting.* for all other formatting options(bold, italic, links, and etc.)
This method is kept for backward compatibility, and it is recommended to use formatting.* for
more options.
:param user: the user (not the user_id)
:type user: :obj:`telebot.types.User`
:param include_id: include the user_id
:type include_id: :obj:`bool`
:return: HTML user link
:rtype: :obj:`str`
name = escape(user.first_name)
return (f"<a href='tg://user?id={}'>{name}</a>"
+ (f" (<pre>{}</pre>)" if include_id else ""))
def quick_markup(values: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], row_width: int = 2) -> types.InlineKeyboardMarkup:
Returns a reply markup from a dict in this format: {'text': kwargs}
This is useful to avoid always typing 'btn1 = InlineKeyboardButton(...)' 'btn2 = InlineKeyboardButton(...)'
.. code-block:: python3
:caption: Using quick_markup:
from telebot.util import quick_markup
markup = quick_markup({
'Twitter': {'url': ''},
'Facebook': {'url': ''},
'Back': {'callback_data': 'whatever'}
}, row_width=2)
# returns an InlineKeyboardMarkup with two buttons in a row, one leading to Twitter, the other to facebook
# and a back button below
# kwargs can be:
'url': None,
'callback_data': None,
'switch_inline_query': None,
'switch_inline_query_current_chat': None,
'callback_game': None,
'pay': None,
'login_url': None,
'web_app': None
:param values: a dict containing all buttons to create in this format: {text: kwargs} {str:}
:type values: :obj:`dict`
:param row_width: number of :class:`telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton` objects on each row
:type row_width: :obj:`int`
:return: InlineKeyboardMarkup
:rtype: :obj:`types.InlineKeyboardMarkup`
markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=row_width)
buttons = [
types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=text, **kwargs)
for text, kwargs in values.items()
return markup
def or_set(self):
:meta private:
def or_clear(self):
:meta private:
def orify(e, changed_callback):
:meta private:
if not hasattr(e, "_set"):
e._set = e.set
if not hasattr(e, "_clear"):
e._clear = e.clear
e.changed = changed_callback
e.set = lambda: or_set(e)
e.clear = lambda: or_clear(e)
def OrEvent(*events):
:meta private:
or_event = threading.Event()
def changed():
bools = [ev.is_set() for ev in events]
if any(bools):
def busy_wait():
while not or_event.is_set():
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
for e in events:
orify(e, changed)
or_event._wait = or_event.wait
or_event.wait = busy_wait
return or_event
def per_thread(key, construct_value, reset=False):
:meta private:
if reset or not hasattr(thread_local, key):
value = construct_value()
setattr(thread_local, key, value)
return getattr(thread_local, key)
def deprecated(warn: bool = True, alternative: Optional[Callable] = None, deprecation_text=None):
Use this decorator to mark functions as deprecated.
When the function is used, an info (or warning if `warn` is True) is logged.
:meta private:
:param warn: If True a warning is logged else an info
:type warn: :obj:`bool`
:param alternative: The new function to use instead
:type alternative: :obj:`Callable`
:param deprecation_text: Custom deprecation text
:type deprecation_text: :obj:`str`
:return: The decorated function
def decorator(function):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
info = f"`{function.__name__}` is deprecated."
if alternative:
info += f" Use `{alternative.__name__}` instead"
if deprecation_text:
info += " " + deprecation_text
if not warn:
return function(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator
# Cloud helpers
def webhook_google_functions(bot, request):
A webhook endpoint for Google Cloud Functions FaaS.
:param bot: The bot instance
:type bot: :obj:`telebot.TeleBot` or :obj:`telebot.async_telebot.AsyncTeleBot`
:param request: The request object
:type request: :obj:`flask.Request`
:return: The response object
if request.is_json:
request_json = request.get_json()
update = types.Update.de_json(request_json)
return ''
except Exception as e:
return 'Bot FAIL', 400
return 'Bot ON'
def antiflood(function: Callable, *args, number_retries=5, **kwargs):
Use this function inside loops in order to avoid getting TooManyRequests error.
.. code-block:: python3
from telebot.util import antiflood
for chat_id in chat_id_list:
msg = antiflood(bot.send_message, chat_id, text)
:param function: The function to call
:type function: :obj:`Callable`
:param number_retries: Number of retries to send
:type function: :obj:int
:param args: The arguments to pass to the function
:type args: :obj:`tuple`
:param kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass to the function
:type kwargs: :obj:`dict`
:return: None
from telebot.apihelper import ApiTelegramException
from time import sleep
for _ in range(number_retries - 1):
return function(*args, **kwargs)
except ApiTelegramException as ex:
if ex.error_code == 429:
return function(*args, **kwargs)
def parse_web_app_data(token: str, raw_init_data: str):
Parses web app data.
:param token: The bot token
:type token: :obj:`str`
:param raw_init_data: The raw init data
:type raw_init_data: :obj:`str`
:return: The parsed init data
is_valid = validate_web_app_data(token, raw_init_data)
if not is_valid:
return False
result = {}
for key, value in parse_qsl(raw_init_data):
value = json.loads(value)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
result[key] = value
result[key] = value
return result
def validate_web_app_data(token: str, raw_init_data: str):
Validates web app data.
:param token: The bot token
:type token: :obj:`str`
:param raw_init_data: The raw init data
:type raw_init_data: :obj:`str`
:return: The parsed init data
parsed_data = dict(parse_qsl(raw_init_data))
except ValueError:
return False
if "hash" not in parsed_data:
return False
init_data_hash = parsed_data.pop('hash')
data_check_string = "\n".join(f"{key}={value}" for key, value in sorted(parsed_data.items()))
secret_key ="WebAppData", msg=token.encode(), digestmod=sha256)
return, data_check_string.encode(), sha256).hexdigest() == init_data_hash
__all__ = (
"content_type_media", "content_type_service", "update_types",
"WorkerThread", "AsyncTask", "CustomRequestResponse",
"async_dec", "deprecated",
"is_bytes", "is_string", "is_dict", "is_pil_image",
"chunks", "generate_random_token", "pil_image_to_file",
"is_command", "extract_command", "extract_arguments",
"split_string", "smart_split", "escape", "user_link", "quick_markup",
"antiflood", "parse_web_app_data", "validate_web_app_data",
"or_set", "or_clear", "orify", "OrEvent", "per_thread",